Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Best Exercise Program for Golf!

The Best Exercise Program for Golf!

If you play golf, you know that it is essential to keep fit. Simple things, such as swinging a golf club, can really cause serious injury if the body is not sufficiently prepared beforehand. While many injuries may not be prevented, you can always take precautions to try to stop injuries from occurring. You just have to find the right exercise program for you.

Exercise Programs to Improve Flexibility

Flexibility allows you to swing the gold club better and with more precision. The golf swing itself takes only a few seconds, so it does not build up the muscles or strengthen them in any way. You have to exercise before and after the game in order to improve your flexibility.

There are three main stretches you should do before playing golf and many top golfers do them to improve their flexibility before the game.

• The Lunge with Rotation

This exercise is designed to imitate the trunk rotation that is involved in swinging the club, while stretching the hip flexors. You should first place your hands on opposite ends of a golf club and then place the club behind the top of the shoulders.

Next, take a large, long, step forward and lower yourself into a lunge position. Slowly and gently, turn your torso towards your extended knee. Hold the position for a count of two on each side and then switch legs.

• The Trunk-Hip Rotation

This exercise is designed to loosen up the hip joints and to prepare the body for a shoulder turn, by stretching the lower back.

You start by bending over slightly from the hips, holding the spine in a neutral position. Next, place the golf club behind your back, in the crook of your arms. Start rotating your shoulders to the right, then again to your left. This movement mirrors the trunk rotation involved in swinging a golf club.

• The Rotator Cuff Stretch

This stretch is designed to stretch the rotator cuff muscles. You start by holding the golf club in the middle of the shaft, making sure one arm is extended straight out. Begin by rotating the club to the right and then over to the left. Finally, switch to the other arm and repeat.

All three stretches are designed to give you that added bit of flexibility before your vital game of golf. As mentioned, all the top golfers prefer to do these stretches and many people swear by them.

Exercise Programs to Increase Your Upper Body Strength

There are various exercises you can do to help improve your upper body strength. The ‘Lunge with a Twist’ is a good one. Basically, you start by standing with your arms straight, hanging down in front of you while holding a medicine ball or dumbbell. Stepping forward with one leg, you now rotate your upper body to the same side and keep the medicine ball or dumbbell high or shoulder height all the time. Go back to the start position and do the same with the other leg. It is better to repeat each side ten times for three sets.

People who do the above exercise notice results in their golf swing speed, power and distance, so it really is worth having a go!

Overall, there are a lot of exercises that you can do and there are even books that give you specific exercises to try. Improving your upper body strength and your flexibility is a must if you want to play good, professional golf!

Jeff Ryall runs a golf website that focuses on information about golf and golf related products. You can enjoy reading tips, tricks and techniques about golf at his site at

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How To Get Improved Power In Your Golf Swing!

Would you like to know how to get more power in your golf swing. I think a lot of us would like to hit the ball over 250yds every time we teed off, but as we know its not that easy. There are three main factors that govern your power, get these right and you have every chance of hitting those long drives you have always dreamt of hitting.

Number one is the mechanics of your swing. Number two is your actual fitness in terms of flexibility and body strength, referred to as golf strength. Number three is your actual equipment, although this to a degree is only true if you have numbers one and two right in the first place. Technological advances in equipment over recent years have made a big difference in equipment and how far you are able to hit the ball.

The mechanics of the swing are imperative when you come to hitting the ball straight down the fairway. It is a fact that the more you practice your swing the better it will become. Lack of instruction is probably one of the most common mistakes that amateurs make. It is no good going to the driving range once every 6 – 8 weeks without having any professional instruction and expecting your power and accuracy to improve.

Golf strength describes the fitness level of an individual playing golf as apposed to someone going down the gym and bench pressing enormous weights. Your body needs to be flexible, strong and well balanced to be able to perfect your golf swing.
You will not be able to improve your mechanics until you have improved your body.
You need to improve the mechanics of your golf swing and your golf strength in order to perfect your golf swing.

Last on the list is the equipment itself. Technical advances in golf equipment over the last 15 – 20 years means that the choice of club is more important now than ever. Gone are the days when you played with a wood that actually contained wood in the club head.

A brief description of how to improve your golf swing comes down to these three things. With a combination of these three things, professional tuition and lots of practice you should soon see an improvement in how far you can drive a ball straight down the fairway.

Jeff Ryall runs a golf website that focuses on information about golf and golf related products. You can enjoy reading tips, tricks and techniques about golf at his site at

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

How to Improve Your Driving!

Rather you are just beginning, as an amateur in the game of golf or a veteran player; we all wish we could improve our drive. What many of us do not know, is how to go about doing that. There are ways to improve both your drive and your game. However, what most people do not know is that their golf game may be suffering, because they are not using the right equipment.

Many people are in the mind-frame that if the golf club costs a lot of money, it must be the key to a better game. This is not necessarily true. When it comes to the driver the only thing that will help you and lower your handicap, is a club that has been chosen properly, no matter how much it costs.

So what type of club should you be getting?

Well, do your homework and find out which clubs are the best for your abilities. One thing you should be considering is your driver swing speed. This helps you in determining the shaft and the flex of your club.

Next, you have to consider which clubs you need. This will depend on your level of playing abilities. For a beginner, you will likely not even need a driver. A typical beginner set might include three, seven, and nine wood, as well as lob or approach wedge, sand wedge, and the pitching wedge.

A seasoned player with a lower handicap will have the need for a driver, three, five, seven, or nine wood, irons three through nine, and the lob wedge, sand wedge, and pitching wedge.

Overall, having the right clubs, standard or fitted for your specific stature, is important to improving your drive and your golf game.

How to drive the ball farther and straighter

The best way to do this is to practice. Ever hear “Practice makes perfect”, well this applies in the game of golf as well. You can also improve your drive by implementing some drills designed to improve your stance and swing. For example, look for drills that help you in aligning your hips. There are also drills that help with balance and swing.

You might even consider taking some golf lessons, even if you have been playing golf for a long time. If you simply cannot seem to correct a problem, outside help from an instructor may help in pointing out the things you are missing.

Most people play golf for a relaxing and fun experience, however, if you are upset about your drive or your overall golf game, how can you be having any fun or even relax? Therefore, it is important that you learn how to correct the problems, to make a better golf game that is both fun and relaxing.

Jeff Ryall runs a sports website that focuses on information about sport and sports related products. You can enjoy reading tips, tricks and techniques about golf at his site at www.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

When The Going Gets Tough!

There are times when going for a shot are called for and there are times when you need to play safe.
Only go for it when you are going to get the rewards, like breaking your record score or playing for a trophy.

Listed below are some of the toughest shots you will face when on the green.

If you hit your tee shot into the trees try to focus on hitting the next shot out of the trees and onto the fairway. Do not try to hit your shot with to much power or try to get to far, instead just concentrate on recovering your position and make sure you hit three or four good shots after that. Choose your club carefully, stay relaxed and make sure you get good contact.

When playing a bunker shot you will need a good lie in the sand or you will have to play it safe and just try to get the ball onto the flat of the green. If on the other hand the lie is good then you can really have a go for it . Get a good comfortable stance, relax, keep your head straight and strike through the ball making sure to get good contact.

Knowing when to play the dogleg shot is not easy. Generally I play it when I think the gains out way the losses. If I think I can get to the green in two on a par 5, then I would go for it. Make sure you are relaxed, don’t tense up, have a few practice shots first then get into position, concentrate and go for it.

The next shot is the lob over the bunker. With this shot the lie determines what sort of shot you can play. Try to see how the ball is sitting in the grass, weather there is much grass underneath or behind the ball determines how you will play the shot. With this shot take nearly a complete swing and as always keep your head still and concentrate on the shot.

These are just a few of the difficult shots, but you will not have to play these shots every week, hopefully.
As with everything the more you practice the better you will become, so get out on that coarse and enjoy yourself.

Jeff Ryall runs a sports website that focuses on information about sport and sports related products. You can enjoy reading tips, tricks and techniques about golf at his site at www.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Improving your golf!

First things first,let me just start by saying if you are just starting out get a few lessons to get your swing right. It is much easier when you start off with a good swing than going to the driving range and picking up bad habits, then trying to correct them.

Golf is an individual sport for a reason, because everyone is different. What works for one person may not work for another and because of this not one person has the perfect swing, chip or put. For me golf is a thinking persons game. A game of golf is won or lost on club selection and hitting the best possible shot with that club.

One of the most important points is to try to hit your ball onto the green. Once you can do this the next step is to get the ball as close to the pin as possible .Learning what clubs to use and knowing how far the ball will travel before and after bouncing is an important factor an golf. Try to find a golf range or club with a pitch and putt facility, and practice pitching from different distances to improve your knowledge of which club to use from different distances.

You must keep your head still when you are trying to hit the ball. It is impossible to see the ball all the way through the shot if you do not keep your head still, and will probably end with you not making good contact with the ball. When you do hit the ball correctly you will know straight away from the sound and feel of the ball. Next shot try to visualise the shot before you actually do it, let it go through your mind keep your head still and don’t forget to follow through with the shot. If you do one thing when starting in golf, get your swing right and your distance and accuracy will improve with practice.

Another important point in golf is the club grip. This is another good reason to get a few lessons first as a good instructor will show you where and how to grip your club.
Sometimes instructors will have some clubs with a special handle to show you where to put your fingers of each hand. Clubs should be held with the fingers rather than the palms of the hands and should be held loosely rather than tight. You should be relaxed and loose rather than tense. Everytime you pick up a club you should make sure your grip is right and try to keep your grip the same each time.

Jeff Ryall runs a golf website that focuses on information about golf and golf related products. You can enjoy reading tips, tricks and techniques about golf at his site at


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